Foundation year admissions policy
Entry requirements in Foundation year
Application to the Atelier de Sèvres is subject to two conditions.
1. Applicants must be at least 17 years old and no older than 25 years old for the foundation courses.
2. Applicants must hold a high school diploma qualification.
Enrolment in 3 steps
From October, candidates can apply to enrol at the Atelier de Sèvres. Enrolment remains open for as long as places are available.
1. To enrol at the Atelier de Sèvres, it is not necessary to apply via the Parcoursup national application platform. You can simply make an appointment by downloading the application form via the website here. The candidate will then be called back by an admissions officer to schedule an interview.
Important, during the quarantine due to the Coronavirus, admissions interviews will be only hold via Skype. You will be sent a connexion link.
2. During this interview, the candidate will present their portfolio in order to demonstrate their engagement in artistic practice, their level of ability, their general knowledge of the field, their creativity and their mental aptitude.
3. The admissions officer will notify the candidate of the outcome at the end of this appointment. The candidate is then asked to complete an enrolment form and pay a cheque for €450 (administrative fees) and a deposit. Once this has been done, the candidate’s place at the Atelier de Sèvres is secured for the start of term. Students admitted in a public establishment in art or animation on Parcoursup platform will be refunded.

Bachelor admissions policy
Entry requirements for bachelors
To be admitted in a degree course, applicants must be at least 18 years old and no older than 26 years old at the time of the enrolment.
The entrance exam for the Bachelor of Art & Technology
The competitive entrance exam takes place in two sessions (June and September) and in two parts. It enables Atelier de Sèvres to select candidates with a creative mind, a decided interest to team work, a predisposition to create and design.
1. The first step is an online quizz test based on logic, knowledge and role-playing. The candidate also presents his motivation and personality therough the submission of a 1-minute video presentation on smartphone. The submission platform is open from March 2nd to April 30th 2020 (1st session) and May 2nd to August 14th (2nd session).
2. The second step is taking place during one day from 18th May to 5th June (1st session) and September 4th (2nd session). A group creation test and an individual interview will complete the selection.
The entrance exam for the Bachelor of Animation
The competitive entrance exam for the first and second year follows two steps.
1. The first step (April 6th 2020) is the submission of an A3 format portfolio. This portfolio must showcase their abilities to develop personal universes of different styles and genres, by experimenting with various manual and digital tools through sketches and roughs, drawings, illustrations, collages, paintings, modelling, prints, photographs, scaled models, animations, video clips, etc. It must prove his creativity and drawing skills.
Important, during the quarantine due to the Coronavirus, this portofio will be submitted on the cloud. A link will be emailed to you.
A first selection is made.
2. The second step (May 4th to 7th 2020) is a 4-hours written test, based on writing and creativity around a given theme. If the closing of the education establishments is extended further than May 1st, the written test will be hold online and the interview will take place on Skype.